Why You Want To Retain A Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away
If you have been personally injured in an accident, it might be time for you to start thinking about hiring legal representation. Even if you are not sure whether or not you have a good enough case for the courts, you will still want to discuss things over with a personal injury lawyer. Here are some of the reasons why you will want to do this right away. You Don't Want Your Injuries Pushed Under The Rug
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5 Kinds Of Damages You Can Claim In A Personal Injury Lawsuit
No matter who you are, you could just be moments away from an injury that could complicate your life for weeks, months, or even permanently. According to the Centers for Disease Control, someone dies from an injury every 3 minutes. However, millions of other people suffer from injuries that leave them alive but with physical and emotional scars -- and the kinds of financial problems that go along with any serious injury.
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2 Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Attorney
One of the most useful professionals that you can hire when buying a home or piece of property is a real estate attorney, mostly because he or she can help you with a variety of issues that can come up during the buying process. Listed below are two reasons to hire a real estate attorney. Will Be Impartial One of the biggest reasons to hire a real estate attorney is that he or she is more likely to be impartial than a standard real estate agent.
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3 Pitfalls To Avoid In A Child Custody Case
When facing a child custody battle, a judge will closely scrutinize your behavior and actions to determine if you are the best option for the child. The wrong move could have a negative impact on your attempts to gain custody. To help ensure that you are in the best position to ask for custody, here are some pitfalls for you to avoid. Unwilling to Co-Parent Co-parenting is an important part of raising a child.
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2 Unexpected Reasons Why Your Family Petition To Immigration May Be Denied
If you're just beginning your research on how to bring a foreign-born relative into the United States, the process can look deceptively easy. The USCIS provides a very clear hierarchy of which relationships are preferred – unmarried children of U.S. citizens and spouses take precedence over siblings – so you know where your case stands from the get-go. Even the I-130, the official form for getting your family petition started, is a mere two pages long.
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3 Myths about Contingency Fees You Shouldn't Fall For
If you are currently looking for an attorney to represent you in a personal injury case, it is vital that you understand how contingency fees work since that is how the vast majority of personal injury lawyers are compensated. Myth #1: You Have to Agree to the Initial Fee Plan Your Attorney Presents Many individuals wrongly assume that they have no wiggle room when it comes to the fees that your attorney wishes to charge you.
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Debts That Will Not Be Forgiven If You File Bankruptcy
If you are struggling to keep up with your bills and are going further into debt each month, you might think that filing for bankruptcy is your only option. The thing is, there are some debts that will not be forgiven with bankruptcy and will stick with you regardless of your financial situation. It is important to look at your entire financial picture with a qualified bankruptcy attorney to decide what steps might be best for your financial future.
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5 Prime Sources Of Evidence In A Car Accident Case
Are you trying to research some of the ways that car accident attorneys deal with the aftermath of a traffic accident? Here are some of the ways that these legal professionals will gather evidence in the course of their work supporting their clients. Aside from things like researching local ordinances and case precedent, car accident attorneys often act a little like detectives. They're looking for evidence that supports their client's version of what happened on the road.
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When To Call A Wrongful Death Attorney For Alcohol Related Deaths
While situations involving a wrongful death can be heartbreaking and challenging for the family of the deceased, it is important to know your rights. If the death of a person under 21 years of age involved alcohol, you will want to ensure justice gets fully served and you are compensated for your pain and suffering. Death by Alcohol Unfortunately underage drinking is all too common in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 5,000 people under the legal drinking age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related incidences including:
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Situations When Social Security May Not Consider Your Doctor's Opinion
Although the Social Security Administration generally gives a treating doctor's opinion significant weight when considering a disability claim, that's not always the case. Your doctor must provide evidence that your medical impairment will prevent you from performing any substantial gainful activity continuously for 12 months or more. If your treating doctor doesn't provide adequate information relating to your impairments and how they limit what you can do, your claim may be denied even if your physician feels you are disabled.
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