
  • Is A Personal Injury Lawsuit In DC Right For You?

    A personal injury lawsuit might be your ticket to getting the compensation that you deserve. Whether you were involved in an auto accident, a case of medical negligence, or some other form of injury, you have a shot at filing and winning a lawsuit. However, such lawsuits can actually be much more complicated than you might initially expect. To help you make sure that a lawsuit is right for you, here are some specific laws that you will need to deal with when it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit in Washington DC:
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  • 3 Ways To Improve Your Child Custody Case

    If you are divorcing and share children with your spouse, every move that you make will be closely scrutinized when determining who should have custody. Unfortunately, a wrong move could result in your spouse being awarded custody. To help improve your case for child custody, here are some tips to follow. Pay Child Support Regardless of whether or not a temporary child support order is in place, you need to voluntarily pay child support to your spouse if you are the top earner in your relationship.
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  • Been In A Car Accident? Two Reasons Why You Need An Attorney

    If you've recently been in an automobile accident where it was determined that the other drive was at-fault, you may think that you can let the events that follow the collision proceed without legal help.  You have likely already been contacted by the insurance company of the other motorist, and may even be about ready to accept a settlement.  However, before you sign on the dotted line, you need to consult with an attorney.
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  • 3 Things To Keep In Mind When Creating Your Own Divorce Agreement

    One of the most difficult things a person can go through is a divorce. After all, you thought you and your spouse would love each other forever. Fighting over who gets what can make the process even more painful and difficult to get through. That is why more ex-couples are coming up with their own divorce agreements. They don't have to fight in court over things and leave it up to a judge to decide who deserves to get what.
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  • 3 Pitfalls To Avoid In A Child Custody Case

    When facing a child custody battle, a judge will closely scrutinize your behavior and actions to determine if you are the best option for the child. The wrong move could have a negative impact on your attempts to gain custody. To help ensure that you are in the best position to ask for custody, here are some pitfalls for you to avoid. Unwilling to Co-Parent Co-parenting is an important part of raising a child.
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  • Deciding Which Type Of Bankruptcy Is Best For You

    If you are an individual that is considering bankruptcy, then there are a couple of different types that you should mainly be concerned with. Here is a brief overview of each, how they work, and in which cases they are good choices: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy First of all, you have Chapter 7, which is probably what most people think about when they hear the term "bankruptcy." Chapter 7 is also known as liquidation, since it revolves around the sale of your belongings in order to partially pay off your debt.
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  • Everything You Need To Know About The Eviction Process

    Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of a renter like the prospect of eviction. The most common reason for eviction is failure to pay the lease, but that's not the only lawful reason for a landlord to evict a tenant. While each state's laws detail the requirements for a landlord to end a tenancy and legally file for eviction, there are some standard rules that apply across the board. Paying Your Rent on Time Doesn't Stop Eviction
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  • Fact Vs Fiction: Know The Truth About Workers Compensation

    If you are hurt while on the job or as the result of doing work at your place of business, you are entitled to some form of compensation under the law. Many people are too afraid to file a workers compensation claim for fear of possible retaliation by their employer. But workers compensation is the law, and employers must abide by those laws per their policy. Read on to learn about some of the facts as well as some untruths regarding workers compensation so you can be better prepared in the event of a work related injury.
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  • Death And Debt Collection: Are You Responsible For Your Deceased Loved One's Debts?

    Losing a loved one is a difficult and painful process, and it can be made more stressful if you have debt collectors trying to come after you for your loved one's debt. There are laws regarding collection of a deceased person's accounts, but they don't stop some companies from predatory collection. Protect yourself during this vulnerable time by knowing your rights and hiring a debt collection attorney to represent you. Here are a few points that can help you determine if you are responsible for paying the debt.
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  • Understanding Your Rights When Stopped For DUI

    It's a well understood convention that operating a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, such as alcohol or prescription pain relievers is a crime, punishable under the laws of all U.S. cities. Tdoesn't mean your civil rights change simply because you happen to be intoxicated. There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with this situation, and there are a few simple ways to make the entire process easier on you.
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