
  • When A Big Rig Means Big Problems On The Road

    When it comes to moving things from point A to point B, nothing transports goods like a tractor trailer. These gigantic trucks fill the roadways and most of what you own likely took a trip inside one. Unfortunately, when lots of goods must be moved, the means to do so can create road hazards for others. If you've been hurt in an accident involving a semi-truck, read on to find out more about being compensated for your damages.
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  • Do I Need A Probate Lawyer? Key Considerations

    The loss of a loved one is a difficult time in anyone's life. Unfortunately, inheritance issues often add to the stress of this rough period. One question that arises frequently is whether or not you need a probate attorney to help you receive your inheritance. This question is not a simple one, as various factors must be carefully considered. The following article takes a look at some of the key issues involved.
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  • Shift-Work Your Way To A Workers' Compensation Claim

    Many people have jobs with hours that don't align with the usual 8-5 time frame. While shift-work has been around for as long as there has been a need for 24-hours a day workers, the deleterious effects of shift-work on the human body and mind have recently become more recognized. If you are one of the many who's job demands that you work non-traditional hours, you may begin to suffer the negative effects.
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  • Divorce Myths That May Be Misleading You

    A divorce is a major proceeding to go through, but it can be essential when a marriage has failed. Many individuals will find that they are misinformed when they go through a divorce for the first time. This can lead to instances where potentially costly mistakes can be easily made. Will Every Aspect Of The Divorce Need To Be Litigated In Court? Individuals often assume that a divorce will involve an unavoidable and lengthy trial.
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  • Dividing Up The Vinyl Is No Longer The Problem: Digital Assets Are The New Divorce Wrinkle

    Years ago, couples who called it quits often had big fights over things like their vinyl record collection. Music lovers who had amassed a large, expensive collection would quarrel over whether an artist's work should be divided up and who should get the rights to which recordings. These days, divorcing couples may find themselves arguing over who get the rights to the joint iTunes account -- especially if there's several thousand dollars' worth of music inside.
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  • What Do You Pay When Hiring Social Security Lawyers for Your Disability Claim?

    Social Security lawyers can help you file your disability claims and win your case. They manage your appeals, when necessary, and collect and collate the proof you need to get your claim accepted. For all of the work your Social Security Disability lawyer does and will do to make sure you get your benefits, there is a price. Here is what it will cost you, and why some lawyers may wait for your benefits ship to come in.
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  • Step Away From The Internet: Why You Should Never Do Online Research As A Juror

    It is a civic duty and an honor to serve as a juror in a court of law. If you have never been a juror before, it is important that you understand the level of objectivity you need to have when making these important decisions that will affect the lives of other people. One problem that many jurors face is using the internet while they are serving on a jury. Some cases are very strict and will prohibit you going online at all during the case.
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  • How A Prenup Can Help You During Your Divorce

    A prenuptial agreement not only helps you during your marriage, but it can also help you during your divorce. Here are some of the ways a prenup can come in handy if you are divorcing. The Prenup Reduces the Negotiation Issues A typical prenup handles most of the issues that are usually handled during a divorce. This includes things like debt management, separation of marital and separate assets, and property division (not in all states).
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  • 3 Common Workplace Injuries In Outdoor Settings

    Whether you are a landscaping contractor, construction business owner, or some other business owner or entity that often finds work outdoors, having workers compensation insurance to protect your hired employees is hugely important. There will always be those workplace injuries that go along with specific types of businesses, but no matter what your business is, if it takes your employees out of the confines of a building, the risks can and do change.
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  • Refuting A Few Myths About Workplace Injuries

    A workplace injury can be a stressful problem to encounter due to the fact that it can lead to missed time, high medical costs, and numerous other disruptive consequences. Due to the potential issues that can follow a workplace injury, it is wise for employees to have a solid understanding of what they should do in response to these injuries. Myth: It Is Impossible To Qualify For Worker's Compensation If You Contributed To The Accident
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