5 Kinds Of Damages You Can Claim In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Posted on: 27 April 2019
No matter who you are, you could just be moments away from an injury that could complicate your life for weeks, months, or even permanently.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, someone dies from an injury every 3 minutes. However, millions of other people suffer from injuries that leave them alive but with physical and emotional scars -- and the kinds of financial problems that go along with any serious injury.
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Your Doctor And The SSDI Residual Functional Capacity

Posted on: 23 March 2019
Getting approved for Social Security Disability Insurance is not as easy as it should be. When you consider that the people who need the benefit are probably not in the best state of mind due to their disability, the intricacies of the Social Security process can seem nearly impossible. One of the more complicated aspects of getting approved for benefits is the Residual Functional Capacity (RFC). Read on to find how important this assessment is and how to make sure your form results in an approval.
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Your Bankruptcy Attorney Will Fight To Help You Keep Certain Possessions For These Reasons

Posted on: 13 February 2019
One of the difficult and oftentimes heart-wrenching parts of declaring bankruptcy is having to lose some of your possessions. Creditors will frequently evaluate what you own that is of value, and the law will allow them to take many of these items to sell in order to offset some of what you owe them. Giving up on items that you own and perhaps have owned for years can be difficult, which is why you need to immediately consult a bankruptcy attorney should you find yourself in this situation.
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Looking For A Way To Give Back? 4 Benefits You'll Enjoy When You Donate To Charity

Posted on: 9 January 2019
Tax season is coming up. If you're looking for something to do with your tax refund, it's time to look into some local charities. Charities can always use additional funds, especially those that assist children. If you've never donated to a charitable organization, now's a great time to get started. Here are just four of the benefits you'll enjoy when you donate to a children's charity near you. 1. You'll Get a Tax Break
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