Essential Information Your Lawyer Will Want You To Know When Seeking Spousal Support After A Divorce
Posted on:
23 May 2022
Life can be very difficult after divorce, especially if you depend on your ex-spouse for financial support. For this reason, you might decide to apply for spousal payments to help you handle any financial needs arising from the breakdown of the marriage. However, getting this payment can be challenging, making it necessary to seek the assistance of a professional family lawyer. They'll advocate for you and ensure that you get a payment that will cater to your needs.
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3 Reasons a Lawyer Is an Invaluable Partner When Pursuing Justice After a Car Crash
Posted on:
21 April 2022
A vehicle collision can change your life drastically. For example, you may sustain life-threatening injuries that might deter you from working and enjoying life. Besides, you may have to undergo specialized medical services, which might create a strain on your finances. This situation is indeed overwhelming.
The most fundamental step when faced with such a situation is to hire a lawyer. Your lawyer will guide you through the legal processes of seeking compensation to rebuild your life.
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How Vicarious Liability Applies In Auto Accident Cases
Posted on:
16 March 2022
Drivers are usually liable for the accident their actions or inactions cause. However, some personal injury laws trigger third-party auto accident liability under certain circumstances. Vicarious liability is an example of such laws. Below are three examples of vicarious liability in auto accident cases.
The Driver's Parents
Parental liability makes parents liable for their children's actions. For example, you may hold a teenager's parent liable for your auto accident damages if the teenager causes an accident.
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The 5 Phases Of A Medical Malpractice Case
Posted on:
7 February 2022
When a client sits down with a medical malpractice lawyer to plan the course of a case, they need to understand how things are likely to unfold. If you're thinking about pursuing a medical malpractice case, your attorney will want you to be aware of these 5 stages of the process.
Physical Recovery
As with an attorney handling virtually any injury case, a medical malpractice lawyer will want to see how well the client's physical recovery is going.
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