Death And Debt Collection: Are You Responsible For Your Deceased Loved One's Debts?
Posted on:
2 October 2015
Losing a loved one is a difficult and painful process, and it can be made more stressful if you have debt collectors trying to come after you for your loved one's debt. There are laws regarding collection of a deceased person's accounts, but they don't stop some companies from predatory collection. Protect yourself during this vulnerable time by knowing your rights and hiring a debt collection attorney to represent you. Here are a few points that can help you determine if you are responsible for paying the debt.
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Understanding Your Rights When Stopped For DUI
Posted on:
10 September 2015
It's a well understood convention that operating a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, such as alcohol or prescription pain relievers is a crime, punishable under the laws of all U.S. cities. Tdoesn't mean your civil rights change simply because you happen to be intoxicated. There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with this situation, and there are a few simple ways to make the entire process easier on you.
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3 Things To Do Before You Hire A Divorce Attorney
Posted on:
21 August 2015
If you are thinking about getting a divorce, your first thought might be to get in touch with a local divorce attorney and start the proceedings right away. However, it's important to do the following things before you file for divorce.
Plan a Budget
You already know what your financial situation is like as part of a married couple, but you need to ensure that you are financially secure once your marriage is dissolved.
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3 Tips For Getting Your Accident Case Settled
Posted on:
7 August 2015
Being involved in any type of legal action is sure to be something most people would rather avoid. This is especially true if you're party to a lawsuit involving a car accident. Being able to win your case may be much more difficult than you think because of all the steps that are involved.
It's possible that you can rest your mind and work towards getting your case settled at mediation.
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